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Resilience and Persistence

Stephanie Nazi Mwakuni

"Persistence and resilience only come from having been given a chance to work through difficult problems." – Gever Tulley

The Oxford dictionary defines these words as the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, toughness and continuing in an opinion or course of action despite difficulty or opposition.

Persistence and resilience toward a particular goal or objective enable us to strive for more and attain attainable goals. During the week or the start of a new month, we all take the time to fill in your targets' corporate goals and personal development section. Today, ask yourself how you are working towards those personal goals in an attainable and measurable way. This week take time to meet your supervisor or mentor if you have any queries or need advice on how you can better yourselves and improve your skills this week and this month. Your level of persistence and resilience will shape your level of accomplishment in the end.

Steps to attaining a level of Resilience and Persistence in a Recession

According to an article by Dr Ginsburg, a human development specialist, the 7 C's are involved in attaining this fulfilment of some form during a Recession.

Competence :

Competence is the ability to handle any situation to the best of your ability, whether work-related stress or personal stress factors. This focuses on the ability to control and manage external stress factors in daily living. In addition, it improves your competence to deal with environmental changes healthily.

Confidence :

Confidence to believe in your capabilities in the face of adversity or changes in your environment. Your level of personal competence is correlated with your level of confidence. This encourages you to purpose for more and approach more challenging situations with strength in the face of adversity.


Character includes being prepared to make the right choice and the skills for a strong sense of personal development. When placed in an unpleasant environment, it is easy to lean toward the more accessible option that may be in the wrong direction. However, having the character to stay amid adversity builds self-reliance, endurance, and courage.

Contribution :

Whether in the context of a professional work setting or personal development, The ability to add value and implement the skills and knowledge you have to enhance a task or complete an activity. These small tasks enable you to gain a sense of fulfilment from your daily activities.

Coping :

Coping with stress is a form of resilience associated with everyday life. Each day or week, take time to go for a walk, run or carry out an activity that enables you to gain clarity on the various stress factors in everyday life. This is taken in the form of a reset time during the week.

Control :

You are setting individual timeframes for yourself, which may include the time you have meals to the time you relax. Compartmentalising when certain activities are conducted enables you to regain control over one's life. Despite the unprecedented change, some aspects of the structure can be recovered.

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