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Saidia Dada Financial Support

The Saidia Dada initiative is aimed at creating financial stability for women from various backgrounds. The purpose of this project was to create a stable financial system that is capable of efficiently allocating resources, assessing and managing financial risks.

Project Overview

The purpose of this project was to create a stable financial system that is capable of efficiently allocating resources, assessing and managing financial risks, maintaining employment levels close to the economy’s natural rate, and eliminating relative price movements of real or financial assets that will affect monetary stability or employment levels.

User Research: Problems

  • Materialisation of downside risks to economic growth could spark greater financial market volatility

  • Persistent downside risks to growth reinforce the need to strengthen balance sheets of highly indebted firms and governments

  • Bank profitability prospects subdued given slow progress in addressing structural issues

  • A situation in which economic performance is potentially impaired by fluctuations in the price of financial assets or by an inability of financial institutions to meet their contractual obligations.


Creating a website that is suitable for both desktop and mobile compatibility that will make it easier for users to create financial stability. The Saidia Dada initiative is aimed at creating financial stability for women from various backgrounds. The initiative has various mentors and financial advisors who help the ladies plan for their future and manage their finances more effectively.

Design Process:

Visuals and Outcome:

Power in Numbers







Project Gallery

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